

Why donating?

tommi 有 0 位贊助者。
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I'm a student, I have no income and I'm trying to figure out how the world works while trying to do some good. If you appreciate in some way the work I do, please consider donating.

My website is tommi.space and my main project is quitsocialmedia.club

Proof of identity via Keyoxide: https://keyoxide.org/surfing@tommi.space


tommi 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


ournet 星號數 1 於 1 週前更新

🧶 Knitting our Internet – workshop resources, and website source code [MIRROR]

quitsocialmedia.club 星號數 21 於 1 個月前更新

Why and how to quit social media [MIRROR]

csss 星號數 0 於 2 個月前更新

Computer Sciences are Social Sciences! — Tommaso Marmo’s bachelor’s thesis, plus related material and presentations. [MIRROR]


tommi 於 4 年前加入。

tommi 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。