此頁列出正希望收到第一批捐贈的 Liberpay 用戶。
用戶資料至少要在創建 72 小時後纔會出現在列表中。
еврей, абсолютник, идиот
CyberEthique, un site qui propose une réflexion éthique sur le numérique pour la dignité huamaine
Sviluppo fuelsearch.app
FediMeteo - Your weather forecasts, directly on the web and on the Fediverse!
Sound production
Working on Eww, Yolk, and other Open Source Projects
Fingerstyle de canciones populares para guitarra, con arreglos originales y tutoriales en YouTube
By supporting me here, you’re showing your appreciation for free software.
Mainteneur du moteur Knightools
📚 BookBite – Make it a Habit! 🚀 We create bite-sized book summaries to make learning easier.
Community Defense Education & Training
Rivulets Liberapay
Working to build and wield power through narrative, art, design and cultural organizing
Un coup de pouce
My name is lily and I do things with the computer