

strypey 有 0 位贊助者。


My name is Danyl Strype. Since the late 90s, I've been involved in a range of internet-based projects trying to make the world a better place, including co-founding Aotearoa Indymedia and CreativeCommons Aotearoa/ NZ. I've also been involved in setting up and running a bunch of cooperatively run social centres, infoshops, independent media studios, community festivals, and the occasional micro-radio station, one or two of which are still running years later. More details about my background on my resume page.

My core project at present is writing regular articles at the Disintermedia blog about topics like free code software, free culture, federated social web technologies, and digital freedom issues, as well as permaculture and other sustainability and appropriate technology topics. I also collect research about these topics in the Disintermedia wiki, such as a list of web videos of talks on libre/ commons subjects by women active in these fields. All of this writing and research is made available under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 (or later) license, and I'm currently in the process of porting a lot of the content to the wiki of the P2P Foundation, where it will be more discoverable.

The Disintermedia blog and wiki are hosted by CoActivate, a web platform that uses free code to provide a gratis organising toolkit for activists and community groups, and I'm also a volunteer admin there. CoActivate also hosts CounterClaim, a project also under CC-BY-SA 4.0, which I created to document the 'source code' of controversial topics in a rigorous, open-minded way. Who Said It? is a subproject of CounterClaim, inspired by SourceWatch and PowerBase, which aggregates information on spokespeople who turn up in the news media in relation to the topics investigated in CounterClaim. CoActivate also hosts the Aotearoa Permaculture Network, which I founded to give permaculture groups in my country access to mailing lists, wiki space, and other tools, under a single set of login credentials.

I have a heap of other projects in mind, you can see a list of proposed projects I've been doing exploratory research for on the Disintermedia wiki. These are just the ones I've been able to get on with on my own, or working in partnership with existing projects and platforms.


strypey 是這 1 個團隊的成員:





strypey 於 7 年前加入。

