
Steve Piercy

Core contributor to the Pylons Project. Web application developer and bicycling advocate.

stevepiercy 有 0 位贊助者。
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I create websites that grow revenue, cultivate relationships with clients, and preserve precious resources.

I listen to my clients, understanding the challenges they face, and work together to create the most effective solution.

I offer reliable, fast, and secure website and email hosting services.

Take a look at my projects for examples of what I can do for you.

Let's talk about how I can be of service.


stevepiercy 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


BBEdit_LassoScript_CLM 星號數 1 於 6 年前更新

BBEdit LassoScript Codeless Language Module

AuthorizeNet_AIM 星號數 1 於 6 年前更新

Payment processing tag for Lasso 8 and the Authorize.net AIM v3.1 payment processing gateway

AuthorizeNet_AIM_9 星號數 0 於 6 年前更新

Payment processing tag for Lasso 9 and the Authorize.net AIM v3.1 payment processing gateway

connect-lasso-sdk 星號數 0 於 8 年前更新

Lasso 9 client library for the Square Connect v2 API

pagination-lasso 星號數 0 於 8 年前更新

valid_nanp 星號數 1 於 9 年前更新

Determines whether a string contains a valid phone number according to the North American Numbering Plan

meeting_bingo 星號數 0 於 9 年前更新

A stupid Lasso method that generates a BINGO! game card with unique meeting buzzwords.

countdown 星號數 0 於 9 年前更新

A type that stores the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds remaining from now until a date in the future (t0). Useful for a countdown situation, like on New Year's Eve or when launching vehicles into space.

tz_convert 星號數 0 於 9 年前更新

tz_convert converts datetime types from one time zone locale to another for Lasso 8.x.

tz_select 星號數 1 於 9 年前更新

A Lasso method that returns an HTML select menu of all known time zones, grouped into US common, continents, regions, UTC, and manual offsets.

twitter_oauth 星號數 0 於 9 年前更新

Lasso 9 type that sends an authorized OAuth request to the Twitter REST API

rackspace_cloud 星號數 1 於 10 年前更新

Lasso SDK for the Rackspace Cloud Files API

zip_distance 星號數 1 於 10 年前更新

zip_distance calculates the distance between two US ZIP Codes using Lasso Professional 8 and MySQL

time_ampmto24 星號數 0 於 10 年前更新

converts a time with an AM/PM designation to 24-hour time

date_age 星號數 0 於 10 年前更新

Lasso 8 custom tag returns age in years

sp_string_random 星號數 0 於 10 年前更新

sp_string_random returns a string of random alphanumeric characters.

lasso9_apache24 星號數 2 於 10 年前更新

This documentation describes how to install and configure an environment that will allow Lasso 9 to run with Apache 2.4.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4/CentOS 6.4.

trypyramid 星號數 0 於 10 年前更新

lasso_8to9 星號數 1 於 11 年前更新

lasso_8to9 is an AppleScript for BBEdit that converts Lasso 8 syntax to Lasso 9

pyramid (分支) 星號數 0 於 1 年前更新

Pyramid web framework


stevepiercy 於 5 年前加入。

stevepiercy 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。