Writing about free/open source, coding examples and coding for video courses
I would like to receive donations in order to support existing free/open source that I have worked on, but more than that I would like to develop more articles and code examples for free/open source projects.
rudolfolah 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:
learning-jsoncpp 星號數 5 於 5 年前更新
experimenting with C++ and JsonCpp to serialize/deserialize classes to and from JSON format
eventcal 星號數 0 於 6 年前更新
Python calendar class that handles events and outputs to HTML (actively developed in 2007 to 2009)
grunt2gulp.js 星號數 64 於 6 年前更新
Converts Grunt task files, gruntfile.js, to Gulp files.
emacs-flow-jsx 星號數 10 於 7 年前更新
Emacs mode for handling JavaScript that uses Flow type annotations and has some React JSX syntax in it. (MIRROR)
org-doing 星號數 53 於 8 年前更新
keep track of what you're doing right now and what you've worked on before
angularjs-mode 星號數 31 於 9 年前更新
AngularJS utilities and major modes for Emacs (angular-mode for javascript, angular-html-mode for html templates)
gcal-invoice 星號數 3 於 9 年前更新
invoice based on google calendar events, select the events, it will calculate hours per day and give you a CSV invoice
fogbugz-mode 星號數 4 於 11 年前更新
An Emacs mode for interfacing with FogBugz.
node-oauth-libre (分支) 星號數 12 於 5 年前更新
OAuth wrapper for node.js, oauth-libre, with more GPL and freedom ;-)
graphql-server (分支) 星號數 2 於 9 年前更新
Example GraphQL server with Mongoose (MongoDB) and Node.js
rudolfolah 於 5 年前加入。