

writes open source software

pascal 有 0 位贊助者。
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I spend an unhealthy amount of time writing open source software. Most of it is currently in Rust.

Sending some money my way will improve the chances of me working on something you might like—e.g., cargo-edit, rustfix, or diesel—or write some more posts on deterministic.space.


pascal 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


cargo-edit 星號數 2992 於 3 個月前更新

A utility for managing cargo dependencies from the command line.

scribbles 星號數 63 於 1 年前更新

Some notes on various topics.

quicli 星號數 542 於 3 年前更新

Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust.

waltz 星號數 27 於 6 年前更新

Extract code files from Markdown

trpl-ebook 星號數 478 於 6 年前更新


wasm-experiments 星號數 61 於 6 年前更新

Please don't use this! Check out this instead:

vscode-why-in-the-git 星號數 6 於 6 年前更新

A VSCode extension that gives you a command to show the commit message corresponding to the latest change to the line your cursor is on.


pascal 於 7 年前加入。

pascal 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。