
Michael R Sweet

Creator of CUPS, HTMLDOC, and many other open source projects. Author of many standards + AirPrint.

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Over the last 30+ years I have created and shared many tools and libraries that you may use daily, such as CUPS, Gutenprint, HTMLDOC, and Mini-XML. I have also contributed to many other open source projects (cups-filters, FLTK, Ghostscript, Samba) and written or contributed to many of the standards used for printing and the web today.

I love to develop easy-to-use and well-documented open source solutions in a variety of areas and I'm looking to sponsors to help fund my development time and focus my efforts where they are most needed.


michaelrsweet 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


pappl 星號數 302 本週更新

PAPPL - Printer Application Framework

mxml 星號數 422 本週更新

Tiny XML library.

lprint 星號數 209 於 1 週前更新

A Label Printer Application

moauth 星號數 17 於 1 個月前更新

Basic OAuth2 client/server implementation.

codedoc 星號數 42 於 1 個月前更新

Documentation generator for C/C++ code

htmldoc 星號數 196 於 1 個月前更新

HTML Conversion Software

mmd 星號數 17 於 1 個月前更新

Miniature markdown library

hp-printer-app 星號數 29 於 3 個月前更新

Example printer application for HP PCL printers using PAPPL.

rasterview 星號數 26 於 1 年前更新

A CUPS/PWG/Apple raster file viewer for Linux, macOS, and Windows

htmlcss 星號數 58 於 2 年前更新

A lightweight HTML and CSS Parser in C

zipc 星號數 11 於 3 年前更新

Simple ZIP container writing "library"

abnf 星號數 19 於 5 年前更新

ABNF to REGEX Library


michaelrsweet 於 3 年前加入。

michaelrsweet 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
