

Lover of curiosities, passionate gamer, avid tinkerer and do-it-yourself developer.

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I started from scratch and in a few months I learned to develop plug-ins for Rust, the game, using uMod framework and C#.

One year later, I'm able to develop back-end scripts thanks to Pterodactyl, Node.js, Docker and Shell.

The same year, I learned to design CAD project and print them in 3D, I also learned to craft soaps through cold saponification and, finally, I learned how to manage a company and obtained my certificate of competence in accounting.

Today, I would like to continue to push boundaries.

NANO (ӾNO): nano_3net5trahx441ob987zzepixxkjp84ebqgwar1wapzfd9mbj7u86b9f8fr9d

Ethereum (ETH): 0xBf5c9EDf20460Fd795fD23132dc283b26EF81E23


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meyverick 於 5 年前加入。

meyverick 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
