
Lionel Laské

I created Sugarizer, a free/libre educational platform. Help me to make it accessible to more users.

2 位贊助者每週向 llaske 資助 €1.25
捐助   付款卡 直接扣款


After years of participating to the One Laptop Per Child initiative, I created Sugarizer, a free/libre educational platform. I continue to develop it in my spare time. Sugarizer is a free/libre platform and will stay free of charge for all users.

Your sponsorship will help me 🙏 to improve Sugarizer user experience and make it accessible to more users:

  • Cover hosting costs for the web site and the demo server
  • Cover running costs for the Kubernetes infrastructure to provide free web hosting to schools 🏫
  • Buy devices 📲 to improve Sugarizer responsiveness
  • Cover marketing cost to boost Sugarizer outreach

Your sponsorship is mostly a nice way to get in touch by thanking me ❤️, don't hesitate!


llaske 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


sugarizer-doc 星號數 4 本週更新

Source code for Sugarizer web site

sugarizer 星號數 194 本週更新

Sugarizer is a web implementation of the Sugar platform to run on any device or browser

sugarizer-server 星號數 42 於 2 個月前更新

Sugarizer Server allow deployment of Sugarizer on a local server, for example on a school server.


llaske 於 3 年前加入。


