

🌟 Seeking Support to Pursue My Dream 🌟

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Hello wonderful people of liberpay community,

I hope this post finds you well. My name is Hai, and I'm a student from Vietnam with a burning passion for technology and coding. However, like many others, I find myself facing financial constraints that hinder my ability to fully pursue my dreams.

I come from a humble background, where every penny counts. Despite the financial challenges, I'm determined to carve out a path for myself in the world of software development. I firmly believe that with the right opportunities and resources, I can make a significant impact in this field.

That's why I've decided to reach out to this supportive community on Polar.sh. I've recently joined this platform in the hopes of receiving donations that will enable me to continue my education in programming. Your generosity will help cover the costs of online courses, books, and perhaps even a decent laptop to work on.

Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in my journey. By supporting me, you're not just helping one individual; you're investing in the future of someone who is determined to learn, grow, and give back to the community.

I promise to put every donation to good use, dedicating myself wholeheartedly to mastering the skills required to become a proficient developer. One day, I hope to pay forward the kindness and generosity that you've shown me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my request. Together, let's make dreams become realities.


likeqcmm2 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


cloneweb 星號數 0 於 5 個月前更新

Capstone-Project-1---Online-Resume 星號數 0 於 8 個月前更新

html-portfolio 星號數 0 於 8 個月前更新


likeqcmm2 於 4 個月前加入。

