

I'm improving performance and quality of images on the web

kornel 有 1 位贊助者。
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I've created and maintain several open-source projects. Some of them, like pngquant and MozJPEG, power many 3rd party tools and services that save huge amounts of bandwidth worldwide.

  • pngquant and libimagequant

    The best possible widely-compatible compression of images with an alpha channel.

  • ImageOptim app & ImageAlpha

    GUIs making image optimization easy and convenient

  • Sblam!

    A free web service for filtering out spam in web forms (blocking HTTP spambots) transparently to the users and accessible to screen readers.

  • lossy animgif + gifski encoder

    Halving bandwidth of the Internet cat traffic.

  • Sparkle

    Auto-updater for non-Appstore (and thus DRM-free) Mac apps.

I'm also maintaining several libraries and tools for the Rust programming language.


kornel 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


pngquant 星號數 5020 於 1 週前更新

Lossy PNG compressor — pngquant command based on libimagequant library

dssim 星號數 1039 於 1 週前更新

Image similarity comparison simulating human perception (multiscale SSIM in Rust)

rust-lcms2 星號數 40 於 1 個月前更新

ICC color profiles in Rust

http-cache-semantics 星號數 239 於 1 個月前更新

RFC 7234 in JavaScript. Parses HTTP headers to correctly compute cacheability of responses, even in complex cases

lodepng-rust 星號數 97 於 2 個月前更新

All-in-one PNG image encoder/decoder in pure Rust

undither 星號數 47 於 6 個月前更新

Smart filter to remove Floyd-Steinberg dithering from paletted images

dupe-krill 星號數 184 於 8 個月前更新

A fast file deduplicator

slip 星號數 2438 於 3 年前更新

Slip.js — UI library for manipulating lists via swipe and drag gestures


kornel 於 6 年前加入。

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