
Jim Salsman

TalkNicer.com: a free English pronunciation Intelligibility remediation web app

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My project at TalkNicee.com is an innovative web app designed to enhance English language learning through pronunciation remediation. Utilizing a cutting-edge speech recognition system, it provides second language learners with immediate feedback on their spoken responses. The app compares learners' speech to expected outcomes, highlighting words or phrases that may need improvement in terms of intelligibility, word choice, grammar, and overall semantic understanding. This technology is not just about correcting pronunciation; it's about deepening the learner's engagement with the language and improving fluency through interactive, real-time learning scenarios.

The request for donations stems from a commitment to continually improve and maintain this tool, ensuring it remains accessible and beneficial to learners worldwide. Funding is directed towards covering hosting, API expenses, and further development to enhance features and usability. By supporting this work, donors contribute to breaking down language barriers and fostering global understanding and communication. This project represents a unique intersection of technology and education, aimed at empowering individuals to confidently navigate new languages and cultures.


jsalsman 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


webrec 星號數 2 於 5 個月前更新

Records Audio with Stop on Silence

featex 星號數 28 於 4 年前更新

PocketSphinx phonetic feature extraction for intelligibility prediction and remediation


jsalsman 於 2 個月前加入。

jsalsman 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
