
Jim Redgewell

independent recording artist

jimmybenido 有 0 位贊助者。
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Creating content for the Internet is very expensive and the rewards are very small. Put simply, I am losing a lot of money! I have to pay for studio time, musical instruments, CD baby to upload my songs, and another company to promote the songs.

So any donations no matter how small are very, very welcome and thank you!

My name is Jim Redgewell I'm a singer/songwriter and I'm an Independent Recording Artist. In the past I have played in many bands, I have used 3 professional recording studios and worked with 3 producers. I have many songs on the major music sites, such as Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Deezer and others. My main problem at the moment is promoting the songs. Without publicity nobody knows that the songs are there!


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jimmybenido 於 2 年前加入。

jimmybenido 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。