
Valentin Gagarin

Making software more sustainable with Nix

0 位贊助者每週向 fricklerhandwerk 資助 €0.00
捐助   PayPal


I try to improve accessibility and sustainability in computing. Financial support will help me do more of that, independent of commercial and institutional funding.

I try to help making computers work reliably in the long run with Nix. Since 2022 my main focus has been on improving the documentation landscape in the Nix ecosystem.

Sponsored by my employer Tweag and their client Antithesis:

As a contractor for the NixOS Foundation:

But there are lots of deep problems in the Nix ecosystem, which prevent improvements in user experience, performance, and maintainability. Those can only be addressed with continued work that does not rely on short- or even mid-term profitability or the current fashion topics for investments. Such underlying technical roadblocks, which keep dragging down development, usually fly below the radar even of power users. Your support will help me address issues no one else will.


fricklerhandwerk 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


attr-cmd 星號數 14 本週更新

Build shell commands from Nix attribute sets.

lazy-drv 星號數 5 本週更新

Realise Nix derivations on demand.

home-damager 星號數 1 於 1 週前更新

Fully declarative Home Manager installation

module-sources 星號數 3 於 4 個月前更新

Module-level source references: declare locally, pin globally


fricklerhandwerk 於 2 個月前加入。

