
Dr. evo

evolutionary biologist, environmentalist, open source content creator

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I am an evolutionary biologist who cares about making science and knowledge accessible to everyone.

In this front I create content using only open source tools and create tools completely open source and free for public use.

I also try to educate my community about evolutionary biology and environmental crisis.


dr.evolozzy 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


dotfiles 星號數 0 於 1 個月前更新


ControlsFromTerminal 星號數 2 於 6 個月前更新

This set of bash scripts allows one to control different interfaces through terminal.

NGS-Pipeline 星號數 2 於 8 個月前更新

A Bioinformatics pipeline to process Raw reads to VCF files in Bash

FilteringFalsePositives 星號數 2 於 8 個月前更新

This script filters false positive alleles from poolseq VCF file created with bcftools.

WaterTempSensor 星號數 0 於 8 個月前更新

Water temperature sensor for more than one sensors at a time

TempMonBot 星號數 0 於 8 個月前更新

An email bot to monitor temperature and humidity and send alerts

i3config 星號數 1 於 3 年前更新

i3wm config files, i3blocks settings and blocklets

swayconfig 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新

Sway config files


dr.evolozzy 於 3 年前加入。

dr.evolozzy 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
