
Ceda EI

Hosting and Development of Telegram Bots, Free Software

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Hi, I am a student/developer from India. You may have come across this page from one of my bots. I have various telegram bots running that are free and open source. Other than that, I have various other open source projects as well! If you enjoy any of those, I would really appreciate a donation!

Bots Hosted


ceda_ei 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


Quadnite-Bot 星號數 4 於 2 週前更新

Source code for Quadnite Bot

Snakes and Ladders Bot 星號數 0 於 1 年前更新

Telegram bot for playing snakes and ladders.

ugoki-frontend 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新

Frontend for Ugoki written in Vue.js

ugoki 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新

Ugoki is a simple server for storing categorized gifs where anyone can suggest gifs but the owner can approve them only.

PDF Uniter Bot 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新

Simple Telegram Bot to merge images into a pdf

Nukist-Bot 星號數 1 於 5 年前更新

Telegram Bot that nukes the chat till a recent point in history.

Timezone Conky 星號數 0 於 6 年前更新

A simple conky to display time from different timezones.

PC-Monitor-Bot 星號數 2 於 6 年前更新

A bot intended to check the state of your PC (screenshots and check if locked)

i3lock-delta 星號數 1 於 6 年前更新

A new image from Unsplash everytime you lock the screen


ceda_ei 於 2 年前加入。

