
Cas Brugman

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cas 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


godot-voip 星號數 188 於 1 週前更新

godot-voip is a Godot Engine addon which makes it very easy to setup a real-time voice-chat system in your Godot game. This addon also includes a demo project.

CANGAEM.js 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新

Simple HTML canvas game-framework written in typescript

JS98 星號數 5 於 3 年前更新

A plain TypeScript/JavaScript + CSS library for making interactive Windows 98 like environments in the browser.

OGFCS 星號數 4 於 4 年前更新

OGFCS is a free & open source extendable client+server built ontop of & for Godot Engine, which can also be used as framework for multiplayer games.


cas 於 2 年前加入。

cas 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。