

Designer & Communicator, Stretching Beyond

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Greetings. I am a strategist, designer, and communicator — or how I like to say it, “I wake up in the morning to create, empower, and teach.” Have decided to jump onto Liberapay to better support the outcomes of an initiative started in ‘18 called Avanceé.

Avanceé is an experience design consulting/strategy initiative. My goal with Avanceé is to enable people, teams and orgs to better articulate systems, design experiences, and then re-engineer to more favorable outcomes. The existing website serves as “overflow” from some of those projects, in the form of shared links, long-form blog posts, and snippets of concepts. Learn more about Avanceé here.

My goal using Liberapay is to further the impact and accessibility of those items created and shared through Avanceé — moving from the current snippets of projects shared, to usable frameworks for your own projects, including workshops to get those moving in the right direction.


avancee 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


All-Books 星號數 6 於 6 年前更新

An HTML5 mobile Bible reader using the NET Bible and other open licensed religious texts

RSS-ARJW 星號數 0 於 10 年前更新

Files and minor milestones related to developing a personal rss reader

HTML5-Poetry-Template 星號數 2 於 10 年前更新

A simple HTML5 and jQuery-enabled template developed to manage a personal poetry collection.


avancee 於 5 年前加入。

avancee 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
