
Anjandev Momi

Free software developer

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I contribute to free software. I love mobile Linux and daily drive Sxmo on postmarketOS. I spend my free time working on Sxmo, Alpine Linux's aports, and postmarketOS (pmbootstrap and pmaports). Most of my code is on sourcehut: https://sr.ht/~anjan/ I also run a blog at https://momi.ca

Please donate if you like my work and want to give me a thanks! If you have specifics about how you would want your money to be used, please send me an email (anjan-at-momi.ca) or contact me on my socials before donating.

Please note: this is NOT a donation page for the Sxmo project. Please donate if you want to donate as a thank you for my work in free software broadly.


anjan 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


anjan 於 4 年前加入。

anjan 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
