
Conscious Digital

YourDigitalRights.org is helps you regain control of your online privacy

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YourDigitalRights.org was created because we believe that privacy is a basic human right, and that exercising this right should be easy. The European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provide the legal infrastructure to protect people’s fundamental right of privacy online.

Privacy regulations such as the GDPR and the CCPA are a step in the right direction, but exercising your rights under these legislations is still hard enough for most people not to bother with it. The situation is made worse because many organizations make it hard to file data requests (for example by not publishing any corporate email addresses on their website). The purpose of this service is to make the rights granted by these legislations accessible to everyone.

This is a free service. We are not a business and do not have a business model. We do not offer any services to the organizations on the list. We do not collect or trade any personal data. This service is Open Source.

YourDigitalRights.org is a production of Conscious Digital, a non profit organization creating people centric digital initiatives which promote and advance Digital Human Rights.




YourDigitalRights.org 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


yourdigitalrights.org 星號數 84 本週更新

Own your data

data-brokers 星號數 14 於 1 年前更新

Data Broker Watch

ydr-web-extensions 星號數 0 於 1 年前更新

Opt Out Chrome and Firefox Extensions

declaration-of-digital-human-rights 星號數 1 於 5 年前更新

Declaration of Digital Human Rights


YourDigitalRights.org 於 3 年前加入。


