
Pêr Wani Alan Morvan

Iriep 有 0 位贊助者。


Iriep 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


Open Celtic Dictionary Website 星號數 0 於 4 年前更新

The web-interface for the Open Celtic Dictionary Project.

16.-Breton-Stopwords-br_fr 星號數 2 於 9 個月前更新

You will find here a draft list of stopwords for Breton.

06.-Breton-logical-connective 星號數 0 於 9 個月前更新

You will find several lists of Breton logical connective.

13.-Breton-simple-words 星號數 0 於 9 個月前更新

You will find a several list of words which are the base of the simple breton.

02.-Breton-blacklist 星號數 0 於 9 個月前更新

A breton list of vulgar words, could be used for black-listing words.

08.-Breton-names 星號數 1 於 9 個月前更新

Here you will find severals list of Breton names

09.-Breton-numbers-not-finished-yet 星號數 2 於 9 個月前更新

Here you will find a data base for a Breton numbers macro.

hunspell-br (分支) 星號數 0 於 3 年前更新


Iriep 於 1 年前加入。

