

FOSS enthusiast and creator and maintainer of Serenata

Gert-dev 有 0 位贊助者。
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I'm the creator and maintainer of Serenata, a gratis, libre and open source language server that analyzes PHP code bases and provides code assistance to clients, such as autocompletion, linting, tooltips and more. I also maintain the package that integrates it with the Atom editor. Next to Serenata, I also contribute to many FOSS projects, mostly through testing, issue reports, and feedback, but sometimes also through actual fixes or translations.

All of the things I do are done exclusively in my spare time, so any donation is viewed as an appreciation of my work and a motivator to continue my efforts. I also contribute to open source in my professional life in the same ways, but it wouldn't be ethical to accept donations for these contributions, so they are done through entirely separate accounts (to avoid misleading anyone).

If you decide to become a sponsor: thank you!

Other accounts, beyond the ones listed below:


Gert-dev 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


Gert-dev 於 6 年前加入。

Gert-dev 沒有透露他們通過透過 Liberapay 收到了多少。
