

Writing tutorials and documentation to get more people involved with Linux development.

DashGLProject 有 0 位贊助者。


DashGL Project

The DashGL project was created for the purpose of creating Open Source Retro style games that run on Linux. "Dash" stands for "Digital Adventures in Shaders" and GL represents OpenGL. The goal of the project is create open assets and games that run on Linux, but also provide resources for anyone who wants to get involved in Open Source gaming from the conceptual level.


One aspect of making retro games, is understanding how developers were able to make games for systems with limited resources. One aspect of the DashGL Project is analyzing how classic games were structured.


The DashGL Project also provides tutorials for a more practical approach to learning graphical programs in Linux. Currently tutorials for Brickout, a Space Invaders clone, and Astroids are provided on dashgl.com. The tutorials are designed in such away to introduce concepts one at a time, to quickly gain understanding of working with graphical libraries.

File Format

To make working with file formats easier, the DashGL Project also provides and supports the "Dash Model Format". A simple static format designed to be as light as possible while supporting the properties required to be defined in models. The format is provided under the MIT license.


DashGLProject 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


DashGL-GTK-Invaders-Tutorial 星號數 7 於 3 年前更新

A tutorial for a basic Invaders game made in C with GTK: and OpenGL

DashGL-GTK-Astroids-Tutorial 星號數 4 於 3 年前更新

Astroids Tutorial written in C using GTK with OpenGL and DashGL for matrix manipulation

DashGL-GTK-Brickout-Tutorial 星號數 18 於 3 年前更新

Tutorial For a Brickout Clone Written in OpenGL using GTK Library and GTKGLArea Widget

DashGL-Library 星號數 23 於 3 年前更新

Basic Matrix Manipulation Library For OpenGL Written in C

Dash-Texture-Viewer 星號數 4 於 6 年前更新

A TIM texture viewer with support for pallets written in GTK with C (for Linux)


DashGLProject 於 6 年前加入。

