
Steve Chaanine

XeroLinux Support Jar

0 位贊助者每週向 DarkXero 資助 €0.00
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XeroLinux needs your support to survive current inhuman situation in Lebanon. If you love what we are doing and want to help us grow, please consider a small contribution.

What is XeroLinux?

XeroLinux is an Arch-Based Distro, that is meant to provide you with a stable base, making it simpler to install ArchLinux (Calamares) with a well optimized & Customized KDE Plasma, that you can shape YOUR way, the easy way... !

Lebanon Issues

My country, Lebanon is going through a major Economic / Electricity Crisis, and has now reached critical low. Click on image below to watch video.

Watch the video

I had to close my store down because of this. Your contributions will go a long way into helping me survive these dire times until things get back to normal. Whenever that is. As well as ensure that the XeroLinux project continues to grow for a long time to come..

Thanks in advance to all those who contribute ;)


DarkXero 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


DarkXero 於 1 年前加入。

