

I'm Akatsuki, a trans catgirl who makes a variety of content.

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Hello, I'm Akatsuki! I'm a trans catgirl who enjoys making a variety of content. I make My Summer Car mods though I don't identify as a My Summer Car modder. I make a variety of other projects that include Akabot, a Discord bot by me, Astolfo Forge Mod, which adds a bunch of femboys into Minecraft or Astolfo is coming for you, which is a windows program where Astolfo comes to you to call you a great human being. I sometimes also make YouTube videos featuring my projects, mods, successes, tutorials and other content.

You can view all of my projects on my website.


Akatsuki2555 在其他平臺擁有以下帳號:


Akatsuki.nekoweb.org 星號數 0 本週更新

Akatsuki's website

GoodOldMSC 星號數 0 於 1 週前更新

MySummerCarTweaks 星號數 0 於 2 週前更新

My Summer Car Tweaks mod.

nekowebIndex 星號數 0 於 2 個月前更新

Mirror for Codeberg.org/Akatsuki/nekowebIndex

OwOifier 星號數 0 於 2 個月前更新

OwOifier for My Summer Car

AsphaltRoads 星號數 0 於 4 個月前更新

Adds asphalt roads to My Summer Car.

AstolfoForge 星號數 0 於 9 個月前更新

AstolfOS 星號數 0 於 9 個月前更新

Astolfo operating system.

AstolfoIsComingForYou 星號數 0 於 10 個月前更新


Akatsuki2555 於 2 個月前加入。

