
Instructions of Ahati

To teach and provide authentic truthful information.

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My name is Ahati Maat. My purpose here is to instruct you in the proper way to decern deception and false teachings in the Black community and beyond.

I have fourteen years of research experience. Specifically, dealing with the atrocities the Jewish nation has done to the black community, funding a system that opresses our bodies and minds, i.e. religion, slavery, American Holocaust, financial system (exploitation of natural resources), media, arts, political hypnosis and much more! TO UNDERSTAND YOUR MASTER IS TO MASTER YOURSELF.

I have seven years experience (being a scribe to the greatest teacher in ancient Egyptian antiquities) researching and teaching the lifestyle of the Ancient Egyptians who called themselves Kam. Their system of thought is considered foreign to us today because of the distortion and perversion of Western Ideology. When I teach I do not deviate from the writings or add my assumptions to the actual scribe's ancient accounts. Unlike, most Egyptologists who formulate opinions rather than keep facts present and authentic for the public, no matter how "weird" or outlandish the ancient Egyptian culture seems to us today. With me, you will not get held back by educational insecurities due to the popular opinion.

I built this channel for educational purposes ONLY.


Book promos

Excerpts from Online Classes

Mini and Extended Documentaries

Podcast broadcasts

Live Interviews



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